Congrats! You’re in


Below is everything you need to know. READ IT CAREFULLY! If you do not follow any of the instructions you forfeit your right to win the prizes for the men’s or women’s winners and you may not get as dramatic of a transformation as possible.

The rules of the slimdown challenge are VERY STRICT. We do this for you. The stricter the challenge is, the better the results. There will be a male and female winner at each location. ALL INSTRUCTIONS below must be followed or you forfeit your eligibility to win the: 1 FREE month of OC|FIT, $55 gift card to Healthy Meals Kitchen and $25 cash! Here are the rules:
  1. All materials must be turned in each week by the due dates listed below.
  2. You must get a minimum of 3 OC|FIT workouts per week (but aim for 5)
  3. You must follow ALL instructions listed below, NO EXCEPTIONS.


*You must turn in all materials to the location you are registered at for the contest. *If you are emailing materials in, you must email the materials to the location you are registered at.

Here are the email addresses of the OC FIT locations. ONLY EMAIL THE LOCATION YOU ARE REGISTERED AT:

Irvine: Huntington Beach: RSM: Energy: Westminster: Twins:

(week 1) Due Monday 1/14 by 8pm
  1. Photo release - Email or turn in copy at the front desk of your signed photo release form.
  2. Before pictures. (front, back and side) – You can take these pictures at home, or even better at the orientation. They need to be emailed to us if you take them at home.
  3. Weigh-in and body fat percentage taken at the facility you are signed up at by staff
  4. Personal tracking sheet icon-doc emailed or turned in to front desk
  6. Select and download your nutrition plan (VERY IMPORTANT)
  7. Join your locations Private Facebook group. This will be your main form of communication for nutritional questions. Also, this is a great way to see what others in the challenge are having success with. Historically, the challenge members who were active on the private group page have expected the best results.
  8. Email or turn in your personal goal sheet icon-doc
(week 2) Due Monday 1/21 by 8pm
  1. Self Weigh-in - You can do this at home or at the facility. I recommend using the same scale each time.
  2. Personal tracking sheet icon-doc emailed or turned in to front desk.
  3. Food Log icon-doc Email or turn in food log to the front desk. You can either email or print out from my fitness pal or your own method.
(week 3) Due Monday 1/28 by 8pm
  1. Self Weigh-in (You can do this at home or at the facility. I recommend using the same scale each time)
  2. Personal tracking sheet icon-doc emailed or turned in to front desk.
  3. Food Log icon-doc – Email or turn in food log to the front desk. You can either email or print out from my fitness pal or your own method.
(week 4) Due Monday 2/4 by 8pm
  1. Self Weigh-in (You can do this at home or at the facility. I recommend using the same scale each time)
  2. Personal tracking sheet icon-doc emailed or turned in to front desk
  3. Food Log icon-docEmail or turn in food log to the front desk. You can either email or print out from my fitness pal or your own method.
POST CONTEST CONTENT DUE! Monday 2/11 by 8pm
  1. After pictures. (front, back and side) – You can take these pictures at home. They need to be emailed to us.
  2. Weigh-in and body fat percentage taken at the facility you are signed up at by staff
  3. Personal tracking sheet icon-doc emailed or turned in to front desk
  4. Food Log icon-docEmail or turn in food log to the front desk. You can either email or print out from my fitness pal or your own method
  5. Testimonial Write a minimum of one paragraph about your experience and results with the OC FIT Slimdown Challenge.

By Wednesday Feb 13th the winners of each location will be announced!

The male and female at each location who loses the most percentage of their body fat wins 1 FREE month of OC|FIT, $55 gift card to Healthy Meals Kitchen and $25 cash!

Here’s how we determine who loses the highest percentage of their body fat:

Percentage change = (new-original)/original For example: Person A starts with 20% body fat and is now at 15% body fat Person B starts with 10% body fat and is now at 5% body fat If you just subtract the original minus the new, it looks like both lost the same portion of body fat (5%) But person B actually lost a higher portion of body fat... Person A's % change is (20-15)/20 = 25% Person B's % change is (10-5)/10 = 50% [/container]