I’m sure you’ve heard of ice bath benefits but did you know the benefits of cold showers?

This is why.

Our body stores two types of fats.

The first one is white fat, the bad one that actually makes you fat.

The second one is brown fat which helps generate heat to your body.

When brown fat is exposed to severe cold temperatures it burns calories to keep you warm, which helps weight loss.

One research found that exposure to cold temperatures increased the metabolic rate of brown fat by fifteen fold, which could help a person drop nine pounds in a year.

Now, can a cold shower lead to weight loss?

The answer is YES!

Here’s how I put it into practice.

I started off by first take a warm shower. Once I finished washing up I would turn the temperature all the way to cold (for about 2-3 mins).

If you prefer, you can reverse it and take your warm shower after the cold one.

Shoot, if you’re a real BAD A$$ then just skip the warm shower all together.

Be sure to focus on your breathing pattern, this helps with the discomfort.

I’ve gradually built myself up to ice baths but a cold showers are a great start 🙂

This might sound like torture to you but I promise the benefits out way the discomfort.
