5 Easy tips to lose belly fat

#1 Reduce added sugars from soda, juice, candy, ice cream, and pretty much anything processed.

#2 Avoid all FAKE sugars, they come in the forms of SUCRALOSE and ASPERTAME primarily.

Fake sugars make you crave even more sweets.

#3 Don’t eat anything that has the words “enriched” in the ingredients label.  It automatically means it has been stripped of its goodness and supplemented with factory made vitamins and minerals.

In addition, it reacts with your body like sugar… 🙁

#4 Bump up your protein content.

Protein makes you feel fuller, reduces the glycemic index of food, and burns lots of calories in the digestion of it.

#5 Eat more healthy fats.  Fats will keep you feeling full, and help maintain your fat burning hormones.

Some good fats to be eating are coconut oil, avocados, olive oil, grass-fed butter, raw nuts, fish and fish oils.

If you implement these 5 strategies I can all but guarantee you will lose belly fat, feel better, your jeans will be looser, and you will have more energy.

Be better than yesterday!

Steve and The OC|FIT Team