There has been a lot of talk about fruit and whether is good or bad to eat for weight loss.

So I wanted to share with you all the truth…

First lets talk about how carbs are stored.

Carbs are either stored as muscle glycogen or liver glycogen.

Glucose (regular starches regular sugars) are stored as muscle glycogen.

Fructose (fruits) are stored as liver glycogen.

They cannot to be stored vise versa.

The liver can only hold bit of sugar from fruit (fructose).

Facts about the liver 

Once the liver is too full it will tell the body to start storing it as fat and usually goes to your mid sections.

Once fructose is consumed it goes straight to your blood stream being readily available for energy.

Alright, so here’s the best time to eat fruit and WHY

The best time to eat your fruit RIGHT before your workout that way your body will use your fructose first and burn through the liver glycogen.

Another reason to eat fruit before a workout is because if your liver glycogens are low your body will then breakdown your muscle tissue for energy.

This means you’ll start to loose your lean muscle.

*Side note, lean muscle tissue is VERY important to have since it helps burn fat and provides you with energy.

Another OKAY time to eat fruit is first thing in the morning. Since you’re not moving or using energy while you’re sleeping your body uses liver glycogen, not muscle glycogen. This makes it okay to eat a small amount of fruit first thing in the morning.

Now here’s the worst time to eat fruit and WHY

Right after your workout is the worst time to eat fruit since your body is looking for muscle glycogen. You can refuel your muscle glycogen by eating starches and regular carbs.

At the end of the day fruit is not bad. 

We just need to make sure that we use and eat fruit at certain times so it doesn’t get stored as fructose and turn into fat.

Another great tip is to always buy organic when possible because there is less fructose. GMO fruit is bred to be a little more sweeter.

Hope this helps 🙂
