My 8 Tips to Boost your Metabolism are so easy to follow.

Our metabolism is the process of the body
turning the calories we consume into usable energy.

The higher your metabolic rate, the easier it is
for you to lose weight and the more you can
eat without gaining weight.

A healthy metabolism is beneficial for immune
function, lower rates of infectious and degenerative
diseases, fertility and a healthy sex drive,
lean muscle mass, having more energy,
brain functionality, longevity, and much more.

Here are 8 tips to boost your metabolism

1. Sleep at least 7-9 hours/night
“Running on fumes” can seriously slow down
your metabolism since the body works to
conserve energy when it’s fatigued.
Make it a priority to get seven to nine
hours of sleep every night in order
to keep hormone levels in check.

2. Lift weights 
Lifting weights can help speed resting
metabolic rate because it builds lean muscle
mass, which naturally uses more calories
than body fat does.

3. Eat naturally warming spices 
There’s evidence that warming spices like
cinnamon, cayenne pepper and ginger aid in
lipid oxidation, which is the process of burning
fat for energy. These antioxidant-packed spices
also help decrease appetite and slow the growth
of fat cells.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar  
This is one of my favorite ingredients for
digestive health and balancing blood sugar.

I like to make a tonic of 1 shot ACV, few dashes
of cayenne pepper, a few drops of stevia and
soda water. So good!

5. Replace all oils with coconut oil 
MCT oil helps you burn more calories compared
to long chain fatty acids (olive oil, soybean oil, or
avocado oil). When your cells use MCTs instead
of glucose for fuel, the body’s metabolism is boosted.

6. Eat protein at every meal
Protein makes you burn more calories due to the
high thermic effect and boost metabolism.
It makes you burn more calories around the clock,
including during sleep.

7. Drink coffee
Coffee contains compounds that increase your
metabolism, help you burn fat during exercise and
can boost athletic performance.

8. OC|FIT Personal Training
If you want to cut a straight line, and reach your
goals in the FASTEST possible way…

Steve & The OC|FIT TEAM


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