It seems like everything related to Covid is controversial…

So I’ll start off by saying that I am not a doctor, and although there is no end-all-be-all conclusive evidence that Vitamin D levels for sure lower your risk for severe Covid.

With that said, there is a TON of evidence that Vitamin D deficiency may increase your risk of severe Covid, while adequate vitamin D may lower your risk.

At the very least, it is proven and common knowledge that Vitamin D is VERY GOOD FOR YOUR HEALTH!

So here are two things you can do.

Step one: Start taking a vitamin D supplement.

This is the one I take and it’s 5000IU.

I also get about 15-20 min of direct sunlight per day.

Step 2: Get a blood test

I recently had my Vitamin D levels checked via blood test and it was on the high end of normal which is awesome.

The most accurate way to know what your Vitamin D levels are is taking a blood test.

From there you will know if you need to take more or less vitamin D supplement.

This can also change depending on the season if you get less sun.

You might as well get a full blood panel done while they check your Vitamin D levels.

Just ask your doctor and they will set it up for you and let you know what your optimal levels should be:)

BONUS Step 3: Keep your FITNESS and CARDIO level HIGH!

Being fit without a doubt strengthens your immune system.

If you’re currently a member of OC|FIT, keep up the great work!

If you’ve been procrastinating, waiting or SLACKING, come in for a free workout to get back on track!

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Steve and TEAM OC|FIT