Author: ocfit_admin

Zero Calorie Pasta

Zero calorie pasta, too good to be true? I found these noodles called “Miracle Noodles” and they contain 0 calories! While it’s not identical to pasta, it’s pretty dang close. The noodle is made up of a vegetable called Konjac. This vegetable is extremely rich in dietary…

Intermittent fasting

My secret tool is intermittent fasting. And here’s why 🙂 Top 4 Benefits of Intermittent Fasting – Promotes a healthy weight – Supports a healthy inflammation response – Supports cognitive health – Help fight stress-induced cravings The word “fasting” sounds intimidating but I promise you, it’s…

Inflammation 101

Do you know anything about inflammation? What is does? How it’s caused? Most of us have no clue! Good inflammation naturally occurs in your body when you’re sick or injured. But chronic inflammation is bad because it increases the risk of diseases and weight gain. The…

Best Workout Shoes

It’s super important you’re wearing the best workout shoes for a few reasons. If your wearing the wrong shoes at boot camp, not only can you hurt your knees, but you may also NOT get a PERKY booty. Its true. Almost every leg exercise we do involves putting…

Calorie Free Drink Ideas

Need some calorie free drink ideas? I know drinking water all day can be BORING. So here’s a quick tip that I use to stay super lean, stay hydrated and drink something delicious that’s calorie free! You can make this drink a few ways (one way is my version…

The truth about sugar

Do you know the truth about sugar? We all know that consuming sugar isn’t good for you but I don’t think we realize just HOW bad it is. Eating a high sugar diet not only makes you fat but can have serious consequences on your mental and physical health….

How to workout harder

Want to know to workout harder? So ya’ll heard of the old saying, “No pain, no gain” right? Or here’s an even better one from OC|CIT member Sonia, “It’s not about killing us, it’s about having FUN while you’re killing us!” – HA, classic! Well, there is a lot…