I LOVE me a good sandwich, especially sandwiches for weight loss.

They are so easy to make, and so easy to bring with me.

Oh, and most importantly, they TASTE so good… and make me smile 🙂

But REMEMBER, I said to NEVER combine FASTS with CARDS right?

So here’s I get LEAN with NO CARB delicious sandwiches.

First, I pick a HIGH QUALITY sandwich meat.

My favorite choices are from Whole Foods deli dept.

I either get the Grass fed roast beef, or Fork in The Road Oven Roasted Turkey.

I add some mustard, avocado and Primal Kitchen Mayo.

Primal Kitchen has the healthiest mayo made with avocado oil. I get it here <–

But the SUPER STAR of the show, that makes getting LEAN with sandwiches possible is…

Cauliflower Thins by Outer Isle and  they make the perfect sandwiches for weight loss.

I use that for the bread, and these things only have 2 carbs!

I get them here <–

So there you go, now you are FREE to go forth and go crazy on these sandwiches for weight loss.

Enjoy 🙂

Steve and the OC|FIT TEAM